

Voice of Impact is geared towards transformation, empowerment and equipping individuals and organizations to move from one current state to a place of fulfilled desires. Every individual has a purpose and assignment that must be fulfilled in a lifetime. We assist in identifying your purpose in life so you can make a difference in this world.

Our focus areas to buying the future are Personal Development, Generational Building and Leadership. It is critical and imperative to transform and empower an individual then equip them to impact future generations. Globally, we have seen people in business, politics, religion and other areas who emerged to positions of leadership and influence but failed dismally. It is because of the lack of character and the aptitude to handle power plus abundance.

A voice of impact speaks vision, mission, goals and destiny. Leaders, parents, mentors, coaches etc. are voices giving direction to children, students and followers to succeed in every endeavour. The latter are also voices crying for empowerment, desiring to be equipped to live a transformed life - Always remember “The Less is Blessed of the Better”.

Ngoni is a John Maxwell Team Certified Coach, Speaker  & Trainer. An MBA graduate with the University of Gloucestershire (UK) and a Full Member Consulting with the Institute of Management Consultants and Master Coaches of South Africa.